A contribution by Madlen Lausen (European Process Excellence) about a practical example from Re:think!
Read moreFor 3 months now, the new Customer Sales & Solutions structure has been filled with more life every day. On the one hand, this includes organizational issues, but of course also various questions relating to processes. How can we set up the processes for the Customer Sales & Solutions division in a sustainable and efficient way for VTG Europe? How can we support our employees in realizing our strategy towards North Star? How can Lean approaches help us to design optimal processes?
We have taken up the topic of the “Inquiry-Quotation process” as the first Lean topic for the Customer Sales & Solutions division. In a 3-day workshop, Thomas Born, Mathias Winzek, Lidia Güstel, Robin Radseweit, Thomas Braun, Oxana Keck, Alexander Heinz, Robbin Sander, Joshua Petersen and Madlen Lausen, as well as Meike Nennhaus as sponsor, worked on the topic.
With a lot of commitment from each individual and valuable discussions within the team, we visualized the current supply processes of Wagon Hiring and Logistics along a structured Lean methodology, analyzed the individual work packages and identified pain points.
This visualization and focus helped us to create a mutual understanding for the daily challenges and to grow together further. We used this spirit to develop a new quotation process that includes the requirements of both wagon hiring and logistics. In order to translate the new offer process from paper to real doing, we have defined various work packages that will be implemented by the workshop participants in tandem from Wagon Hiring and Logistics over the next few weeks. Our EP team, here with Madlen Lausen, will offer full support to the Inquiry-Quotation process from start to successful implementation. This initiative is part of Re: think! ‘Performance’.
A big thank-you goes out to all participants for their commitment, which developed into a great team spirit and a successful workshop. It was a lot of fun!
As part of our Big Picture, Re:think! defines the new way of working at VTG and the way we interact with each other every day. We are continuously improving our performance (continuous improvement) to achieve superior PERFORMANCE and reach our growth target by 2040.
You can find out more about the Big Picture in the recording of the last Global Townhall Meeting in December.