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Market Intelligence

August 2023

A tandem for smart decisions

As Market Intelligence Managers, Anna Vinzelberg and Carina Matz-Pale keep a close eye on VTG’s sales markets.

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Comparing figures, analyzing, researching – that’s my thing,” says Carina Matz-Pale. She and Anna Vinzelberg make up VTG Europe’s Market Intelligence unit. Since June 2022, the unit has been part of Sales and Marketing Management. While Carina has been there from the start, Anna joined her at the beginning of this year.  

Together, the two Market Intelligence managers particularly keep a close eye on VTG’s sales markets, such as changes in the market situation, trends, competitors and the development of demand, for example for oil or steel in European markets. “We mainly do this on behalf of the strategic and sales management teams as well as for the liquids, bulk and intermodal asset segments,” Anna adds. On top of that, Carina and Anna monitor a range of different issues, such as the handling volumes of Europe’s largest container ports. These tasks enable them to generate important “Market Insights” that can support strategic decision-making processes. 

Market Intelligence Carina
„I sometimes spend two days just reading!“
Carina Matz-Pale

For these in-depth studies and reports, they filter out the key points from the wealth of information, evaluate sources, read and analyze. “I sometimes spend two days just reading,” Carina says, adding that it can take up to two months before an in-depth study is finally ready to be presented to the specialist unit in question. Anyone interested in learning more about the work of the Market Intelligence unit is welcome to contact Anna or Carina. “We want to give colleagues across Europe access to the studies, analyses and reports we produce,” Anna says. “For that, we have set up an area on Teams where we share all our ‘Market Insights’ and are also happy to receive and discuss ideas.”

Two that complement each other well 

As a pair, the two harmonize very well with each other. While Carina is particularly immersed in analytical work and shares her experience with her younger colleague, Anna has a knack for communication – and making the Market Intelligence unit’s work transparent is one of the things she finds very important

Market Intelligence Anna
“We want to give colleagues across Europe access to the studies, analyses and reports we produce.”
Anna Vinzelberg

Exchanging ideas and interacting with colleagues is important, Anna emphasizes, adding: “We think it’s good to be included in certain project groups, as the insights we gain from doing so make our input even more valuable.” That’s why Anna and Carina are already members of two industry expert circles focused on the steel and waste industries. “We are looking forward to being able to expand this collaboration and contribute our ideas,” they say. “After all, our unit has so much potential to grow.”  

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