With the lessons learned from our last customer survey in our backpack, we will be entering into an intensive exchange with our customers and partners at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich next week.
Read moreIn February, we informed you on VIBES about the results of the last customer survey (conducted in the fall of 2022) and in the follow-up we went deeper into the customer feedback in a Lunch & Learn. The core result of the customer survey: 84% of our customers are very satisfied with the work of our sales team – across all business fields.
„Our contact persons at VTG always look for a solution and find it. If they do not have one, they communicate this openly and honestly. We greatly appreciate this cooperative partnership.“
„Some time ago we approached VTG with an urgent rental request, as our actual partner had no wagons available. We received an offer from VTG the same day!“
However, the survey and the detailed customer interviews also showed us where we can still improve. But the first successes we have achieved since the previous survey in 2021 were also acknowledged by customers: Example revision process – here the various Rock-it initiatives such as EMBRACE or Expansion mobile services are having an effect. The duration of revisions has improved slightly and customers feel much more involved and informed. But there is still a lot to do!
Across all business fields (note: customers of the former VTG Europe, Tanktainer, and Rail UK were surveyed), there were still complaints about processes being too slow and rigid. With regard to pricing policy, the focus for customers is not only on the amount for rentals or services, but rather on the price-performance ratio, which still offers potential for optimization from the customer’s point of view. “We take the feedback from our customers seriously and are currently finalizing corresponding work packages and measures,” clarifies Thomas Freyer, Head of Sales & Marketing Management. “The results show us how important it is to exchange ideas with customers in order to become even better. But they also underline the great performance of all colleagues at VTG, who work hard every day to offer our customers the best possible solution for their individual needs. For this, a very big thank you to all employees – whether from Sales, Operations, Production, Tanktainer, Innovation, the Asset Segments or the Support Functions.”
After the survey is before the survey: We are planning another customer survey for the fourth quarter of 2023. Anything we can achieve together between now and then will certainly count towards the result. The introduction of the CRM tool in April also contributes to this – we create a 360° view of our customers and can thus offer them the best possible support. Through the new Hire Terms and Conditions, we are creating more clarity and meeting our customers on an equal footing in many respects. “At the transport logistic trade fair in Munich next week, we will once again have a good opportunity to engage in personal exchange with our customers and partners. We are really looking forward to this after such a long absence from the trade fair,” says Freyer. “Let’s live our “Passion for rail” at the trade fair!”